Book Review: The Art of Turned Bowls – Richard Raffan


Possibly one of the best bowl turning books ever published.  Richard Raffan, a British turner now living in Australia, was one of a handful of turners from the 1960’s and 70’s that popularised the art and craft of turning around the world.

Split into 7 chapters, the book covers all aspects of bowl turning:

  1. Wood – What to Look For and Where to Find it
  2. Preparing Blanks – From Log to Lathe
  3. Form – The Good, The Bad and The Sublime
  4. Walls, Rims and Bases – Bowls That Feel as Good as They Look
  5. Green-Turned Bowls – Working with Warp
  6. Surface Decoration – Detailing , Coloring, Burning, Sandblasting
  7. Decorative Reshaping – Carved, Pierced, Hacked, Hewed and Joined

Chapters 4 and 6 are the winners for me.  There is wealth of information on every conceivable rim design and piece decoration and how that can ultimately dictate the overall design of the a bowl.

With 160 pages overall, the majority are packed with eye watering images to stretch your imagination.

Amazon LogoRichard Raffan - The Art of Turned Bowls

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